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18 Cold Cell Deaths


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The Christmas Day Homicide of Daniel Pantera

A New York State Report cited the Special Housing Unit, solitary confinement, area was so cold that the main cause of death was hypothermia, in the Christmas day death of Daniel Pantera.

The following excerpt from an October 11, 2014, Buffalo News article1, describes the odd behavior of a late stage slow hypothermic death, doctor's call the phenomena, paradoxical undressing, and, terminal burrowing, Only one person is known to have survived these last stages of a slow hypothermic death.

On Christmas Eve afternoon, Pantera was seen in his cell walking like he was walking downhill with his hand on the floor. He took off all his clothes and remained naked in the chilly cell for hours, could not communicate understandably with officers, ate a little but mostly pushed his food around on the floor and seemed in a perpetual state of confusion, the report said,

By 11 p.m., Pantera, still naked, was under the bed talking to the wall, the report said. He remained naked all night.

At 7:50 a.m., there was no response when an officer opened the food slot. Pantera was found on the floor with his arms crossed over his face, and his arms were cold and rigid.

The ambulance was called, but it was too late.

The report also says that the Special Housing Unit, the solitary confinement area where Pantera died, was so cold that the main cause of his death was hypothermia. The medical examiner was told the temperature in the cell was 72 to 74 degrees, but the commission staff visited Jan. 8 of this year and found it between 60 and 62 degrees.

Hypothermia can start at temperatures of 71 degrees and lower.

Pantera was locked in a cold cell and had no way to stay alive.


See October 11, 2014 Buffalo News article by News Niagara Reporter Thomas Prohaska, (internal link: docs/HypoDeathNiagaraCounty.pdf)

PAGE LAST UPDATE: 3/11/2023, 7:42pm ET, by dab
This Page URL: pantera.php

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Jul 27th 2024 12:32am ET