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Pelican Bay Prison retaliates against inmates with cold cell torture

In 2013, California State Pelican Bay Prison employed hypothermic punishment as witnessed by this Reuters article, here is a snippet:

They are the upping the ante in terms of cold. It's clearly a tactic to make everything uncomfortable and in essence retaliate for the hunger strike, civil rights attorney Anne Weills told the Guardian after a recent visit to Pelican Bay. They are freezing, these men. I could see them shivering in front of me. I had two sweaters on and I was freezing.

They are suffering, she said. This puts them at risk of hypothermia.

Reuters Article Titled: Inmates claim prison guards are retaliating against hunger-strikers in California.


Reuters Article titled, Inmates claim prison guards are retaliating against hunger-strikers in California published July 19, 2013, (external link: http://rt.com/usa/california-hunger-strike-retaliation-322/)

PAGE LAST UPDATE: 3/11/23, 3:26pm ET, by dab
This Page URL: pelican.php

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Jul 27th 2024 10:15am ET