18 Cold Cell Deaths
Engineered Cold Cells
Suicide Watch Cold Cells
Whole Cell Block Cold Cells
Juvenile use of Cold Cells
FBI use of Cold Cell
CIA use of Cold Cell
Border Agents use of Cold Cell
Gitmo use of Cold Cell
Navy Brig's use of Cold Cell
The Torture of Charles Trask
In 2010 Charles Trask found my website and telephoned me to share his story.1
Charles was falsely accused of a crime and thrown in the Virginia Beach jail. Guards mistook him for being suicidal, and stripped him naked and locked him into a suicide watch cell. A kind inmate threw Charles a roll of toilet paper and he wrapped himself in toilet paper in order to survive his two days of torture.
This is my personal testimony.
PAGE LAST UPDATE: 3/11/23, 8:08pm ET, by dab
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